Geophysics for Everyone
Digitize Subsurface

Underground / Detection

Knowledge to calm you down!

There are many situations in which one would like to know what is going on underground.

Be it the old drainage pipe, the location of which has been forgotten, or be it to make sure that no unpleasant surprises such as gas pipes, old septic tanks or power lines come to light during excavation work for the new pool.

We help you with the help of modern geophysical measurement methods to avoid such surprises and show you what is under your feet!

About me

From an early age I was fascinated by two things: the great outdoors and physics. And how you can use physics to explore the inaccessible part of the earth. That was also the reason why I decided to study geophysics.

In my professional life I have modeled earthquake waves, measured volcanoes and, in many countries, used seismic measurements to take pictures of the deep subsurface in order to search for mineral resources.

Now I have fulfilled a dream and bought a high-resolution georadar with which I can take pictures of the underground and find buried "treasures" for anyone who is interested.

Methods & Services




We offer a wide range of geophysical services for private and commercial customers:

  • High-resolution georadar for the detection and localization of objects in the underground
  • Geophysical consulting for quantitative seismic interpretation
  • Seismic data processing and interpretation
  • Engineering geophysical data acquisition and modeling

Projects & Case Studies

In order to show what georadar can do and how geophysics can be used to clarify a wide variety of questions, I will bring together some case studies and projects that should give a deeper insight into our services and help demystify these relatively unknown methods.

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